Q&A (Kanazawa University ID App)

Kanazawa University > Kanazawa University ID App > Q&A (Kanazawa University ID App)

Inquiry form

  • Inquiry form
    • Select “AcanthusApp” from the “Category” pull-down menu.



  1. Launching the app
  2. Digital ID
  3. Attendance management
  4. Portal notifications
Launching the app
Q. The app won’t launch.

You must have iOS version 12 or higher for iPhone or version 7 or higher for Android to launch the app.
Please check that you have the correct version.
If you have the correct version and the app still won’t start, try uninstalling it and install it again.


Digital ID
Q. Can I use the digital ID outside the university as my student ID?

The digital ID can be used as a “copy” of your original student ID card, offering additional convenience. If your digital ID is not accepted outside the university, please present your plastic student ID card.
Explanation of the digital ID: English, Japanese

Attendance management
Q. I cannot find my class or beacon locations.

Try tapping the Reload button several times. If it still doesn’t appear, restart the application and try again.

Classrooms will not be displayed unless they have a beacon shown in the photo.
See here for a list of classrooms with beacon terminals.


Q. How can I check whether my attendance has been properly recorded for classes and events (time stamped)?

For attendance records, wait approximately 5 minutes after tapping the time stamp button, and follow the procedures below. Attendance is recorded in the same way as when you touch your student ID card to the attendance management terminals.

  • Class attendance
    Go to “Acanthus Portal” > “Student Information Service” > “Course Grades” > “Attendance Information”
  • If you still cannot find your attendance records or records for an event, etc. you can search from the following.
    “Acanthus Portal” > “Student Information Service” > “Course Grades” > “Card Time Stamp Information”
Portal notifications
Q. I’m not receiving push notifications

The following 3 settings are required to receive push notifications. Please ensure you have completed all settings.

1. Set the Acanthus Portal notifications to ON.
Acanthus Portal > Settings > Push Notifications > Portal Notifications

2. Set the Kanazawa University ID app push notifications to ON.
Settings > App Push Notification Settings

3. Set the notification settings on your smartphone to ON.

Q. There are notices displayed in messages on the Acanthus Portal that do not appear on the Kanazawa University ID app.

There is a feature in the Acanthus Portal that allows you to set which category of messages you want to receive through the app. Login to the Acanthus Portal and check your settings.
 Acanthus Portal > Settings > Push Notifications > Portal Notifications
(*The same system as mail forwarding.)

Q. Can I reply to a person who was contacted me through a push notification?

You cannot reply from the app. Please login to the Acanthus Portal and reply using the message feature. Or, if you have enabled mail forwarding, you will also receive an e-mail. Please reply from the e-mail.

Inquiry form
  • Inquiry form
    • Select “AcanthusApp” from the “Category” pull-down menu.