2024年度10月入学者及び二重学位プログラム渡日留学生の皆さんへ/To Students Enrolling in October 2024 and International Students coming to Japan under Double Degree Programme


Welcome to Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.

Here you will find a list of important information such as Matriculation Ceremony, essential procedures and other notices that you will need to follow after your enrolment, please confirm below. Also refer the Admission Procedure Guidelines.

ご案内 Information
  1. 入学式及びオリエンテーション( Matriculation Ceremony and Orientation )
入学後の重要手続き What you should do after enrollment.
  1. 連絡先等登録 ( Register your Contact Information )
  2. 履修登録 ( Subject Registration )
    1. 博士前期課程( Master’s Course)
    2. 博士後期課程( Doctoral Course )
お知らせ Notice
  1. 学生証及び金沢大学ID( Student ID card and Kanazawa University ID )
  2. 掲示板案内図(Location map of the bulletin boards for students)
  3. 授業料領収書 ( Tuition Fee Receipt )
  4. 駐車許可証 ( Parking Permit )
  5. 各種証明書発行 ( Issuing Certificates )
  6. 海外渡航( Overseas Travel )
  7. 留学生の方へ ( For the International students )
  8. 大学院へ内部進学した方へ( Students enrolled directly from other section of Kanazawa University )
  9. 問い合わせ先 (Contact details for inquiries)
  10. その他( Others)