[自然研]2024年度後期 博士後期課程履修登録(2024Oct. Subject Registration for Doctor Course Students)
博士後期課程の授業科目は提出された「学修票」に基づき学生課で履修登録します。必要事項を記入の上,下記締切までにEメールで提出してください。「学修票」はリンク先からダウンロードできます。 提出方法の詳細は,この項の末尾に記載しています。
- 必修科目 「次世代エッセンシャル実践」(1単位)
- 選択必修科目 「次世代イノベーション開拓」 (1単位)
- 数理・データサイエンス・AI発展 /
Student Affairs Division will register subjects based on “Subject Registration Card” submitted by students. Please submit the form by Email with necessary information by the deadline below. You can download it from the LINK above. Details on how to submit it are given at the end of this section.
Before you submit the form, please get a permission from the professors of subjects you will take and from your supervisor via e-mail etc. (Seal is not necessary.) “GS Advanced Courses for Postgraduates (5 subjects)” and “Special Studies” are exceptions: permission from the professors is not required.
In addition, please fill in all courses you intend to take in your enrollment. Registration carries over until the professors reports your grades, so you do not have to submit it every semester, but you can send it in at any time if you wish to make any changes. The credits required for completion are listed in the Degree Completion Guide distributed to students, please check it for yourself.
Separate from the “Subject Registration Card”, for the following 2 subjects of “GS Advanced Courses for Postgraduates”, we will confirm your preferences for taking the subjects for the year in March each year, so please respond when you are contacted.
- Compulsory subject “Transferable Skills for Ph.D. Researchers” ( 1 credit )
- Elective compulsory subject “Unleashing the Potential of Innovation for Future”( 1 credit )
To register for the following one course, please follow the registration instructions provided for each quarter.
- Elective compulsory subject “Mathematical, Data Science, and AI Advanced” ( 1 credit )
*提出方法詳細/ Details on how to submit
- 学修票提出期限/Submission Deadline of Subject Registration Card
- 令和6年10月11日(金) October 11(Fri.) 2024
- 提出先/Destination
- Eメールにてお送りください。Please send it by E-mail : s-daigakuin@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
- 件名は以下のとおりとしてください。Please write the email title as follows:
- 件名/Title : 学修票提出 / Submitting the Subject Registration Card
- 宛先 : 理工系事務部学生課大学院係(自然科学本館G2階) / Destination : Graduate School Affairs Section, Science and Engineering Administration Department (on G2 floor in main hall of Natural Science)
- 件名は以下のとおりとしてください。Please write the email title as follows:
- Eメールにてお送りください。Please send it by E-mail : s-daigakuin@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
- 参考
I 大学院GS発展科目(GS Advanced Courses for Postgraduates)
大学院GS発展科目は,令和5年度入学者から3科目の必修科目及び1単位の選択必修科目があります。詳細はリンク先で確認してください。また,必要な情報は,随時お知らせしますので,アカンサスポータルで設定したメールを必ず確認するようにしてください。 早期修了を予定される場合は,履修時期に注意してください。
“GS Advanced Courses for Postgraduates” has 3 compulsory courses and 1 elective credit from 2 courses. Please refer to the link. Please make sure to check the forwarding e-mail address for messages received on the Acanthus Portal, as you will be notified of any necessary information from time to time.
If you apply for early completion, please pay attention to the timing of taking courses.
I-1「次世代研究者倫理」の履修 /Research Ethics for Ph.D. Researchers
This course is compulsory and must be taken. This course requires ①e-learning and ②watching the video “In order to avoid copyright infringement”.
① eラーニングの受講 / e-learning
リンク先に説明がありますので,確認した上で eラーニング教材を受講してください。受講を完了すると,「修了証」を出力できるので,指導教員に提出してください。
Please read the instructions on the link before taking the e-learning material. After completing the course, you can download a ‘certificate of completion’, which you should submit to your supervisor.
② 動画「ソフトウェア等の不正利用の厳禁について」の視聴 / watching the video “In order to avoid copyright infringement”
The teacher in charge of Academic Affaris will provide you with information. Please follow the instructions and watch the video.
I-2 数理・データサイエンス・AI発展 / Mathematical, Data Science, and AI Advanced
This course is one of the ‘GS Advanced Courses for Postgraduates’ and is an elective compulsory course. There are 2 type classes : face-to-face classes and on-demand classes.
Registration procedures will be announced separately for each quarter, and students who wish to register should follow the instructions.
対面クラス Face-to-face classes
The face-to-face classes are held in English during 2nd period on Fridays in each quarters except Q4 in academic year 2024. Please refer to the syllabus for details.
オンデマンドクラス On-demand classes
オンデマンドクラスは,e-Learning教材「SIGNATE Cloud」を利用した,日本語のみによるオンラインコースとなっています。
The on-demand classes are held with e-learning material “SIGNATE Cloud” only in Japanese.
The 1st quarter (Q1: 4/1-) and 3rd quarter (Q3: 10/1-) are for working students only in every academic year. In addition to regular subject registration, students must register separately via the University’s portal site, Acanthus Portal, by the deadline. For details on how to register, please refer to the ‘Prerequisites’ section of the syllabus below.
In the 2nd and 4th quarter, subjects can also be taken by non-working students. You can register in the normal way. However, if there are too many applicants, a lottery may be held.
Please check the syllabus for course content.
II 研究計画書について (Research Plan)
As for “Research Plan”, “Form 1” is designed for informing research plan during the doctoral course and “Form 2” is designed for informing a draft of your research plan during this year. Please make sure to discuss with your chief supervisor well in order to create your research plans. You can download those forms from the each link. (You don’t need to submit them to Graduate School Affairs Section.)