教務関連事務 > 大学院GS基盤科目「異分野研究探査Ⅰ」「異分野研究探査Ⅱ」の定員充足状況一覧
大学院GS基盤科目「異分野研究探査Ⅰ」「異分野研究探査Ⅱ」GS Basic Course for Postgraduates “Laboratory Rotation”
If you need to find out which laboratories are still available, you may check the number of students that have registered for Laboratory Rotation I and II by checking the list on webpage below.
Please click the link in which your graduate school name are written.
- 人間社会環境研究科大学院生用(For Graduate School student of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies)
- 自然科学研究科大学院生用(For Graduate School student of Natural Science and Technology)
- 医薬保健学総合研究科・医科学専攻大学院生用(For Graduate School student of Medical Sciences of Division of Medical Science)
- 医薬保健学総合研究科・創薬科学専攻大学院生用(For Graduate School student of Medical Sciences of Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- 医薬保健学総合研究科・保健学専攻大学院生用(For Graduate School student of Medical Sciences of Division of Health Sciences)
- 新学術創成研究科大学院生用(For Graduate School student of Frontier Science Initiative)
- 法学研究科大学院生用(For Graduate School student of law)